ID #1133


During the Sol'Ra war, the demon hunters opened an access between the region known as Ancester's Tomb and the Spirit World. They hoped to attract Zatochi Kage, a powerful ancestor, to get his help for the war. However, Zatochi wasn't the only one who got to cross the passage. Arkalon, a Dragon Knight who died during the old war between the Draconia and the Xzia Empire, was also allowed to tread the lands of Guem once again, in order to transmit his knowledge to his heirs. Arkalon of Arpienne was one of the most powerful Dragon Knights. During the War for the Tomb, Arkalon even wounded the Emperor of Xzia. During the War of Sol'ra, he helped recover Ardrakar from the Nehant Knights.


Quote :

I am a specter, a ghost that has traveled through times to share my heritage with my spiritual heirs. If you think this arena can stop me, let me tell you you are wrong. I don't know who you are to dare interfere with the NozDingar Envoys but I wish you good luck if you think you are gonna escape their justice.

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