ID #1275


Fraxine was once Melissandre's right hand, and the best archer amongst the Elfines. She was quick and accurate and she has never missed her target. She was well aware of her qualities, and she used to boast about her skills to the others. Ebony has known this, and when she got corrupted and became Death-Tree, she had devised the perfect plan. She sent Pride, one of the most powerful demons to possess Fraxine. Pride easily took over the control, and stole the two powerful amulets carved by Gaya, which were supposed to be guarded by the elfines: the Amber Idol of Protection and the Amber Idol of Destruction. In the possession of these two amulets, Pride, in the body of Fraxine returned to Death Tree. When the demon left her body, a part of Fraxine's soul was lost, she became tainted by nehantic magic. Since that day, she is called Ash.

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